

This policy applies to information held about clients and prospective clients, suppliers and prospective suppliers, artists, contacts and all other persons about whom Hurst Contemporary Limited holds information.  By ‘information,’ we mean personal and confidential information about you that we may collect, use, share and store.


In this policy, “we,” “us,” and “our” refers to Hurst Contemporary (trading as “Hurst Contemporary Limited”), a company registered in England and Wales No. (GB)12355477, registered office; 10 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7DQ, UK and “you” means the individual or organisation to whom the information relates.




At Hurst Contemporary Limited we are proud of continuing our past of zero conflict and the open and transparent relationship that we enjoy with all our clients and partners. As a united company, we welcome the new EU legislation regarding Anti-Money Laundering and see this change as a positive step forward for industry and asset class.


The well-publicised Fifth Money Laundering Directive “5AMLD” came into effect on Friday 10 January 2020 and participants operating in the art market both in the UK and the rest of Continental Europe will be captured within the scope of this legislation. As such the Hurst Contemporary Limited now becomes a regulated entity for anti-money laundering purposes. The enforcement will be carried out by HMRC in the UK. This legislation has been adopted under UK law and it is expected that it will remain unchanged by the ongoing Brexit discussions.

The legislation is mandatory and currently requires verification of the identity of clients when selling or acquiring products. These principles will apply to all clients, whether existing or new, and is irrespective of any geographical borders (for the avoidance of doubt any client of Hurst Contemporary Limited including those in the United States of America, Asia and other countries will be captured under this new directive). 

The checks that we are required to carry out and the records that we must keep are similar to the Know Your Customer guides ‘KYC’ that is becoming widely standardised in other regulated markets across the globe, and as such should be familiar to all parties.

However for the avoidance of doubt, and as a base requirement for all Hurst Contemporary Limited parties including and not limited to:

  • clients and prospective clients;

  • corporate bodies and trusts under the name of a beneficial owner;

  • suppliers and prospective suppliers;

  • artists;

  • artist representatives/agents and associated galleries;

  • contacts and all other persons about whom Hurst Contemporary Limited holds information

We (Hurst Contemporary Limited) will require at least one of the below;

– an original or certified copy of passports or other similar photo identification with details of the counter-parts permanent residential address.

– if a company or trust, we will need copies of the company’s incorporation / trust mandate documents and in some instances details of either the directors/trustees and/or the ultimate beneficial owners

Please be assured that all personal data will be held securely and processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on this website for further guidance.

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch at